Frequently Used Phrases
Do Sandwich

Sorting cards into individual do sandwiches makes setup and cleanup easy.
Recipe: One red do card on top and one red do on the bottom card with one each of the other cards (re mi fa so la ti) in the middle, either mixed up or in order.
Storage: Stack sandwiches on top of each other. Where one sandwich starts and another ends is where there are two red do cards.
Fine is a Classic Memory Game used to reinforce concepts learned in a Teaching Game.
- A foundational concept of Music Mind Games is that students experience musical concepts before labeling. The Classic Game Fine is a practical example of this. The purpose of Fine is to learn to pronounce this Italian word and act out what it means.
- Fine (pronounced fe'-nay) is an Italian musical term that means "the end". Since it looks just like the English word "fine" (pronounced fīn and meaning "of very high quality"), students may be confused if they SEE the word in a musical score before HEARING it, saying it, and learning its meaning.
- How to play Fine: Students put materials in order, calling out "Fine!" when they finish.
As everyone pudding shuffles their materials to play again, the teacher asks this important question:
"Is it more important to finish first or to get your cards in the right order?"
The students will answer, "In the right order".
Students already understand that each of us naturally does tasks at different speeds. Then everyone, even the teacher, happily hurries as fast as they can. Knowing how the teacher feels will help them relax and not be concerned in the slightest if they are the last one to say "fine". Children are innately kind to each other and will be happy not to compete when we adults let them know it's okay.
Freddie, Michiko's dog for 15 years, appears on cards to know whether the card is upside down.
He also represents the letter "F" in the Music Mind Games alphabet kids.

High Jello
High Five is raising your hand, palm facing your partner as both of you say "High Five!". High Jel-lo is you and your partner holding up two fingers in a jel-lo hand sign (2 eighth notes) and touching your fingertips together and saying, "High Jel-lo!".
It's a great way to finish a game or emphasize a successful moment.

Students also love "High Blue!" (quarter note - one finger) or "High Pineapple!" (triplet - three fingers) or "High Huckleberry!" (four sixteenth notes - four fingers) or "High Macadamia!" (quintuplet - five fingers).
The teacher or parent can instigate any one of these by saying, "High Pineapple!" and raising three fingers toward the student who will do the same and in a second, both touch their three fingers.
Music Mind Games Handshake
While changing fingers with a steady beat say, "Blue, Jel-lo, Pineapple, Huckleberry, Macadamia". On the next beat, make the sign for quarter rest (cross your two jel-lo fingers) as you whisper "rest" and move your hand away and hold your body in a cool position.
It is really fun when students face a partner and do the handshake in unison.
Music Mind Games Kids
The Music Mind Games kids names represent the letters of the musical alphabet: Aria Brio Cadence Dolce Etude Freddie Gusto

Play or Pass
The techniques of Play or Pass can be used within many games. When taking turns around a circle during a game, if a student prefers to skip his turn, he says, "Pass" so there is no pressure to play. Sometimes a student doesn't know the answer, didn't hear the question, is confused and doesn't understand yet, prefers not to speak for a moment, or any number of reasons. This is okay since taking the time to observe is a powerful learning opportunity for all of us at any age. This also helps the game to keep moving and not get stalled.
"Pass" can also mean, "I agree that the materials are correct".
A Play or Pass game is played without talking. Students take turns around the circle fixing one thing in the game materials, as specified by the teacher. The game finishes when all the students say "pass" around the circle. This means they all agree that everything is correct.
Sometimes, it happens that everyone is saying pass, then one person stops to fix something. Then the "pass" around the circle must begin again. This supports the student who may have a different opinion from the others and possibly be correct. Occasionally, a student is being too precise and stops the "pass" several times. Then the teacher can step in to keep things moving and good-naturedly say, "Enough already!" Everyone laughs, the "pass" continues around the circle once, and the game finishes.
Pudding Shuffle
Place the deck of cards on the rug and invite everyone to join you in gently mixing up the cards. In the United Kingdom, "pudding" means dessert, so mixing cards is like stirring a bowl of cake batter. It's reassuring for all of us to see disorder return to order.
Tip for restacking: Turn the cards on their sides and then, using gravity, gently tap and turn them to make a nice stack.
Video: Younger Students
Video: Older Students
Card Tossing Trick
Squeeze one set of cards together just before tossing them across the circle to a student, and they should stay together in a stack. Flick your wrist slightly and throw them sideways like a Frisbee. How cool are you!

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