Grand Staff Cards



Grand staff cards are used to teach students about the staff, the clefs, the names of the lines and spaces, and much more.

These cards help students:

  • Learn about the staff and clefs names
  • Learn the difference between a line and a space
  • Learn the names of the notes on the grand staff
  • Practice intervals
  • Learn the relationship of the notes in the different clefs to their instruments
  • Practice triads and inversion


The grand staff is slightly modified so the space between the two clefs is only enough for the three notes found between the clefs: B, middle C, and D. This makes it easier for students to learn the relationship between the two staves.

  • Bass, alto, and treble clefs together on one staff
  • Open strings on the violin, viola, cello, and bass
  • Treble clef with notes originating from G
  • Bass clef with notes originating from F
  • Alto clef with notes originating from C
  • Symmetrical arrangement of the C notes
  • Octave placement for each note: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G (notes are not labeled)


  • 19 treble clef grand staff cards
  • 19 bass clef grand staff cards
  • Cards are 5.5 inches (14 cm) tall and 2.5 inches (7 cm) wide
  • Open strings for violin, viola, cello, and bass
  • 13 guide cards with tips and instructions 
  • Instructions to play the game Find the C's (SN-13 Grand Staff Cards C's)